

 Cat Bell

The cat, favorite folk art subject in many cultures, is the subject of one of Tanya Kazmirchuk's yearly ceramic ornaments. Hand crafted and signed by the artist, these whimsical creatures make great gifts. 2.5".


Rooster Bell

In Ukrainian folk stories, the rooster is credited with being the bringer of light, banishing the devil, dark, when he crows every morning. "If the rooster doesn't crow, the devil will get you" . Tanya Kazmirchuk has produced a fanciful image of the rooster, painted in bright colors, to celebrate this folk tale. 2.5".



 Ceramic Historical Doll

This ceramic doll, designed and completely hand crafted by Tanya Kazmirchuk, is a re-creation of a Ukrainian historical figure. The costume is authentic noblewoman garb from the 13th century. The doll's body is hand sculpted ceramic, the face hand painted, and the costume is all hand-sewn with beaded fabric and fur. Tanya is in the process of doing research and creating a series of dolls that will model all the important periods in the history of Ukraine. If you collect dolls, this is a very special opportunity. Each doll is one-of-a kind, signed by the artist. Contact us to order a special doll or for more information. 11" tall, 3" dia.

