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Welcome To Our Web Site!

To jump right into our diverse online catalog of imported Eastern European folk art, follow the link at right. Or read on below for an introduction to our unique business...
To Catalog

What You Will Find Here

To Catalog Shop our site for handcrafted gifts, made in Eastern Europe. Many are one of a kind or limited edition collectibles. All use traditional folk art designs or techniques.

How We Do What We Do

To Catalog The August Collection takes great pleasure in locating artists whose dedication to the folk tradition of their country or region is obvious in the quality of their handcrafted work. Eastern Europe has a rich tradition of folk art that has been mostly out of reach to the interested collector. We are trying to create a connection.

Picking Our Artist Partners
First we look for evidence of artistic excellence, then we talk to the artists about their commitment to folk art and the use of folk art images in their work. Finally we ask them if they would be willing to work with us to develop a world market for their craft.

To Catalog If they are interested in creating a long-term relationship, we explain about our cooperative approach: we advance money to build inventory, we take responsibility for marketing and advertising, they have a responsibility to be creative in new product design and adaptation of existing products to customer interest.

Once we make a profit, all share to the extent they have contributed to the collective effort. In this web site, we are very pleased to present the work of our current partners: 17 of the best folk artists of Ukraine.

Our Folk Art Offerings
To Catalog Our online catalog now features a wide selection of meticulously crafted folk art, including the egg art of Ukraine, wooden ware, jewelry, ceramics, embroidery, paintings and etchings. Please browse at your leisure. If you have questions or want to learn more about our products, you can request further information by submitting our Information Form or by calling 800-717-3107 or by writing us at P.O. Box 1247, Woodbury, CT 06798.

Our Customer Commitment
It is our goal to give you as much information as possible about ourselves, our products, the artists, the represented crafts and the folk art traditions of their country or region. We hope to make this site educational as well as entertaining. We welcome your suggestions and additions as we continue to develop this site. Click on Customer Information for more information about our customer service philosophy.

Check back periodically as we add to the information available here about our products, our featured artists, and their crafts. Thank you for visiting!

To Catalog
The August Collection
P.O. Box 1247
Woodbury, CT 06798

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