

 Petrykivka Wooden Egg

Petrykivka Wooden Eggs are decorated in the "petrykivka" style by Ludmilla Bondarenko. Signed by the artist, they make a wonderful addition to any egg collection. 2.25" diameter, 3.75" high.


Museum Quality Pysanky

Museum Quality Pysanky, the most famous of all Ukrainian folk art forms. Each symbol, design and color has meaning. These real eggs, decorated using the wax resist or batik method, are done by Vladimir Kovalenko, considered one of the finest pysanky artists in Western Ukraine. Many designs are traditional, and will be recognized by those of you who are collectors. Others are variations on traditional themes, Kovalenko's special designs. A very few are done by Vladimir's wife, Galina Gavrilets. Since she is no longer doing eggs, these unique pysanky, signed by her, are true collector's items. Start your collection or add to it with these exceptional quality eggs. Note: all are empty.



 Trypillian Goose Egg

The Trypillian Goose Egg is done by Zoya Stashook using the wax resist method of true pysanky. The designs are done in browns and white, with some incorporating petroglyfs. The designs are inspired by pottery excavated from the Dniepro River area, named Trypillian after the 5000 B.C. inhabitants of this region.


Traditional Pysanky, Regional Designs

Zoya Stashook and Oksana Bilous are artists famous for their re-creation of traditional designs that have been lost over the years. They search all of Ukraine for manuscripts and old egg designs. These designs are then faithfully copied and displayed in Ukrainian museums every Easter. We have some sets available that illustrate the many diverse and beautiful pysanky designs that have endured throughout the history of the Ukraine. Order our choice of region below, or click on the image to select your own region


